GDPR Statement

What is happening?

A new data privacy law was introduced in the UK on 25 May 2018 referred to as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). As a result, we published a new privacy policy that applies to your use of SOLAR. The policy explains how we use and protect personal data within Leafhopper Enterprise Support Ltd (“Leafhopper”, “We”). We are not changing the ways we use personal data but the new policy will provide you with additional details such as:

  • Your increased rights in relation to the information we hold about you.
  • How we keep personal information secure.
  • The types of personal information we collect and how we use it.
  • The legal grounds for how we use your information.

When did this happen?

The new law came into force on 25 May 2018.

What other steps does Leafhopper take to protect your privacy?

All of our staff are familiar with GDPR and their personal responsibilities. All staff are trained on induction and every two years (or sooner if there is a major change in legislation).

When processing data we undertake the following:

  • The processing is lawful, fair and transparent.
  • We are transparent about what the data is being used for.
  • Data is collected for a specific purpose.
  • The data is necessary for the purpose.
  • Data is not kept for longer than necessary.
  • The data is kept safe and secure.

We do not process any special categories of data (otherwise known as sensitive information) directly. We may process information on behalf of a client if they ask us to do so. This would be subject to strict privacy controls. For our policy on this, please contact the Data Protection Officer.

All storage is secure, held in the UK and our suppliers have GDPR procedures in place.

We have a notification process in place for any breach. Further information on this is available in our privacy policy.

Do you need to do anything?

No. You can find more information in our privacy policy which you can view at our website at

Who do I contact if I have a question?
Our Data Protection Officer is Peter Ananicz ( Additional contact details are available in our privacy policy.

This policy has been approved and authorised by :-

Name: Peter Ananicz
Position: Director
Date: 18th September 2024
Date for Review: 18th September 2025